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“Ayurveda Demystified” workshop at Wilderness Festival

June 25, 2013

godofayurveda2I am pleased to announce I will be hosting a one off Ayurveda workshop on Saturday 10th August at Wilderness Festival on the beautiful Cornbury estate in Oxfordshire. This is a lovely family and yogi friendly festival, with a “Secret Sanctuary” healing field where the workshop will take place.

Ayurveda, a 5000 year old Indian science, offers us a ‘tool box’ to stay healthy and heal imbalance. The theory may appear complex, but its principles are beautifully simple.

 This 90 minute workshop offers a clear introduction covering basic theory including the 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. You will leave with a basic understanding of your Ayurvedic psychosomatic type – and what may be the start of a life long journey of contemplating what food and lifestyle are best for you, and even which climate, profession or partner…

Please click here for more information.