Consultations and massage
Please note that my clinic is currently on hold due to starting an exciting role with Pukka Herbs. Please do sign up for my newsletter as a good way to keep updated and hear news on Ayurveda and herbs. Click here for more and on where to find another Ayurvedic practitioner for now…
Initial Consultation (90 minutes £60): Ayurveda places great importance on even the smallest signs of things ‘not being quite right’. After a through health assessment, the focus is on diet and herbal remedies to address the root cause of imbalance and treat current symptoms. A detox plan may be advised, as well as tailored Ayurvedic diet advice. The pulse and tongue are also assessed to help read symptoms of imbalance. It is helpful if you take only juice, water or tea for the 3 hours before your consultation for the pulse reading. Everything discussed during the consultation is in strict privacy.
Ayurvedic Herbs: Most people benefit from taking a course of Ayurvedic herbal remedies for 6 weeks to 3 months or longer for chronic conditions. Cost for this ranges from £15 to £50 a month depending on the type of remedy and the number of remedies required. This will of course be tailored to your needs and budget.
Follow up consultation (45 minutes £40): After assessing your response to diet changes and herbs, lifestyle ideas and recommended treatments are now introduced. If symptoms are chronic (over 1 year) it’s likely herbs will be needed for at least 3-6 months. It is recommended to come for a follow up every 4 weeks. I am here to support you, but your efforts in changing diet and lifestyle are key to healing! Regular follow ups are an important part of this.
Ayurvedic Balancing Massage with warm oil (60,75 or 90 minutes for £40, £50, £60): A deep massage using firm, deep strokes with hands, thumb, fingers, knuckles, fist, forearm and elbow. Reduces imbalances in the body, as well as being relaxing and rejuvenating. Ideal with stress, anxiety, exhaustion and all Vata dosha disorders (eg: nervous system imbalance, muscular and joint pain, tension). It is especially relevant for worn our bodies due to excessive physical or mental exhaustion. Ideally followed by a hot bath when you get home and an early night!
Indian head massage massage (45 minutes for £35): A seated massage which relaxes, detoxifies, de-stresses, encourages healthy hair growth and balances the body’s energy system. This treatment includes work on the upper back, arms, shoulders, head, neck and face. Its especially good for eyestrain, migraine, tension headaches, blocked sinuses, irritability, insomnia, and knotted shoulders. It also triggers endorphin release, leading to contentment and happiness, and increases the alpha state of brain. Please wear a vest top of bring a sarong.
Pindasweda Massage (Full Body Massage: £45 (1 hour) Localised Massage: £35) This specialised massage involves the therapeutic application of heat with a bolus filled with warm herbs, which is massaged with particular strokes over the whole body or around particular joints or areas of pain. Improves circulation and loosens toxins; reduces water retention, swelling and excess fat tissue; stimulates lymphatic drainage; and relieves muscle and joint pain. This is a very relaxing and soothing experience.
Ayurvedic Yoga Session (60 minutes, £40): Yoga postures, breathing and meditation practices to feel more balanced. Includes a tailored handout to help with home practice. This option is also available without a Consultation, with a short session of 20 minute to assess which doshas need balancing through your yoga practice.
Recent client feedback:
“Thank you for a wonderful consultation yesterday. I felt at ease, at peace and have found my path, at long last.” (BCR)
If you’d have asked me what Ayurveda was three months ago, I would probably have responded with a blank stare. Fast forward to today and it’s a whole different story. Ayurveda hasn’t just become something I try to implement into my day every now and then, but a way of life. I’d been suffering from digestive problems for over a year and a half, giving me really bad bouts of bloating and abdominal pain and just making me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I kept asking myself why this was happening, as I ate a balanced diet and took plenty of exercise- in my eyes, I was doing everything right. I would eat bloat-reducing foods and do certain yoga poses, but nothing was working for me in the long term. Both my parents are doctors, so you can imagine how frustrated they were when they couldn’t find a solution. My first big bout was after returning home from Italy, during which I’d spent four days eating nothing but bread, pasta and pizza, and initially I thought it was simply just a gluten intolerance I had developed over my second year at university, during which I had cut it out. Since then I had so many ups and downs and grew increasingly frustrated.
I first learnt about Ayurveda during a yoga retreat I went to in Cornwall with my Mum. After sitting down with Jojo, my ayurvedic consultant, everything just suddenly seemed to fall in to place. The bloating, the cramps, the rollercoaster moods, every issue I’d been dealing with had a reason. This is when I learnt about the the three doshas, and since leaving the retreat, have focused on putting together a daily routine that works for my dosha and my body. For so long we’ve been bombarded by the media over what to eat and how to exercise for optimal health, without taking a minute to step back and ask if this is right for ME. What works for someone else, won’t necessarily work for you, and this is the most important thing that I have learnt. With my symptoms greatly reduced since making lots of small changes since the beginning of the year, I have no doubt that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle will help me on my path to achieving the best that I can be.